
About With a Southern Twist

With a Southern Twist is all about good living in today’s South. A true Southerner, the author’s passions include food and entertaining, restaurants, home design, travel, and shopping. It is a fun blog about one of her most beloved regions of the country, shared through shared experiences.

About Wendy Shannon

Wendy Shannon lives in Atlanta, Georgia with her husband, Tim. She owns a marketing communications and design firm called Op5 Creative and started With a Southern Twist on July 22, 2009. She had careers with both Southern Living magazine and The Pillsbury Company so she enjoys cooking, entertaining, dining out with her friends, traveling (especially to Southern locations), helping her clients and friends with their businesses, shopping and decorating her home. She stays in shape by running and working out at the gym. She’s always been a great source to her friends and family on information about all her passions so starting With a Southern Twist was a natural progression. She’s also working on a book based on her southern heritage.

Meet Wendy Shannon at Home
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Wendy Shannon at Home, With a Southern Twist


4 Responses to “About”

  1. Wendy this blog is so you! It is a wonderful way to express your many facets and interests.
    With love,

  2. Gail Staub says:


    I like the blog, the information is current, relevant and speaks to me. Now if I can only find the time to keep up with it :) !


  3. Karen Carroll says:

    Congrats on the launch…so glad that you found another path for your passions.

  4. Wendy,
    I really enjoy your blog! I actually look forward to checking my email every day to see what’s new at “With A Southern Twist!” Brilliant job! Your future it very, very bright!

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With a Southern Twist is all about good living in today's South. A true Southerner, the author's passions include food, home design, travel, restaurants, shopping, and entertaining. It is a fun blog about one of her most beloved regions of the country, shared through personal experiences.